Kyungjun Kim joins the MPI as Korea-Germany Junior Research Fellow

We welcome Kyungjun Kim who is joining the lab in Tübingen through the Korea-Germany Junior Research Fellowship Program of the Max Planck POSTECH/Korea Research Initiative. The program aims to send Korean students to German research institutes and provide them with opportunities for research activities.

Kyungjun earned his B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Hanyang University in 2024. He will be working on human perception of light through the eyes and accommodation changes in dynamic environments. In South Korea, he studied the visual system, particularly in visual sensory processing and its interpretation using artificial neural networks. In his free time, he enjoys running and listening to music.

Welcome, Kyungjun!


Student visit to NUDZ supported by the Bayerisch-Tschechische Hochschulagentur (BTHA)


2024 CaCTüS interns push science forward